Videos and Recordings
The following is a list of really fun and informative, short videos on YouTube that you should check out.
United States Marine Band National Tour Concert at UCLA - October 23, 2019
(check out the John Williams number conducted by the composer himself!)
Bohemian Rhapsody by the Mnozil Brass
Some great tips on balancing music and your activities.
Flutes: "10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Flute"
Trombones: "Trombone Slide Techniques for Beginning and Intermediate Trombones"
Clarinets: "Clarinet Lesson-Faster Fingers- Part 1”
Saxophone: "5 Tips for a Better Saxophone Sound”
Trumpets: “How to Improve Your Trumpet sound, Part One”
Snare Drummer: "Tuning Your Snare Drum-Drum Lesson"
Trumpets: “How to Improve Your Trumpet sound, Part One”
US Army Band "Battle Hymn of the Republic"
Berklee Students "What the World Needs Now"